Time To TeachTM Classroom Management Training
Do you have to ask your staff to do more with less? With bigger class sizes, how do you continue to:
Meet accountability standards?
Is it more cost effective to provide better tools for your teachers than to recruit new teachers?
We are losing 50% of new teachers in their first 5 years – and you have a huge investment in them! And it isn’t because they don’t know the content or suddenly don’t love children anymore, it’s because they are overwhelmed with daily student behavior and discipline issues.
And research shows that veteran teachers are holding on as best they can but leaving the education profession at a record pace.
Are your teachers losing valuable teaching time because today’s students don’t necessarily come to school ready and willing to learn?
The reality is we have a whole generation of children who has learned accountability from Bart Simpson, learned social skills through Facebook, learned behavior from Beavis and Butthead, MTV and Jersey Shore, and have developed their sense of entitlement from the World Wide Web of instant gratification.
Is instruction being derailed in your classroom by students who have never been taught expectations and proper classroom behavior?
The vast majority of these derailments in the classroom come in the form of emergent or low-level chronic behaviors. Nothing huge, just the constant drip from student interruptions, from blurting out to putting on lip gloss in the middle of math instruction – day after day – year after year!
Is teacher job-satisfaction and less stress important to the success of your campus/district?
Time To TeachTM Classroom Management training, can help your staff gain back that lost teaching time with research based, proven strategies that minimize or eliminates 70 – 90% of low-level, chronic behaviors.
Time To Teach Trainings also…

Full Day CM Trainings – 5 Components
1. Maintain self-control and composure in all situations.
2. Teach to and enforce rules and procedures
3. Build and maintain strong student-teacher relationships
4. Arrange the classroom for maximum achievement
5. Firmly, but fairly, carry out disciplinary actions
Each participant in the six hour training will receive a 200+ page resource manual, Time To Teach™, The Source for Classroom Management.

Half Day CM Trainings – 2 Components
1. Self-control Strategies:
2. Teaching to appropriate behavior:
Each participant in the half-day training will receive a 125+ page manual with 100 Teach-To’s, Behavior Lesson Plans and Essential Advice to encourage high expectations and winning classroom behavior.