Time To TeachTM Differentiated Instruction Training
Sometimes the only thing students in a classroom have in common is their age!
Students come into our classrooms and schools with different backgrounds and cultures and their cognitive abilities, assets and experiences are just as wide ranging.
Fair does not always mean equal – sometimes we need to go an extra step for a student.
In order to be fair to all students we must differentiate their learning and our instruction.
When one lesson resonates with one student but not with another
we owe it to that student to offer the learning in many different approaches to help them receive it in their strengths and abilities.
Program Benefits for Students
Students in Time To Teach Differentiated Instruction classrooms enjoy a number of advantages over those in traditional “one-size fits all” approach settings. Students are able to be active participants in their own learning.
The curriculum is no longer pointed to the middle of the group but available and interactive to all students. Those students that found a traditional classroom lesson too difficult or something they had already learned which led to feeling of being “bored” or “not engaged” are now excited about their learning.
Students receive the content and curriculum in ways that ensure they are engaged. This engagement allows students to connect and learn the content at a deep level of understanding.
Program Benefits for Teachers
Teachers “buy-in” because this is not a training full of fads and buzzwords. Teachers are not asked to hear more “theory” and then figure implementation out on their own.
Teachers are always looking for ways to improve their craft and Time To Teach Differentiated Instruction does just that by giving strategies that can be modified for all kids and communities – for all grades levels and curriculum.
Time To Teach Differentiated Instruction is an effective way to reach all students in the classroom and the stress of meeting the high expectations for all students is alleviated. Educator’s energy can be poured into the students they work with.
Time To Teach Differentiated Instruction brings attention and engagement to each and every lesson. Students are actively involved in the content and excited about the learning they are undertaking
Time To Teach Differentiated Instruction strategies promote having a strong understanding of the students that we teach. Understanding our students in their learning styles on the deep level allow for accurate assessing the learning as well as strong relationships between student and teacher.
Time To Teach Differentiated Instruction fosters reflective practice in our lessons which is an essential aspect of most evaluation systems.
Program Benefits for Administrators
Time To Teach Differentiated Instruction allows administrators to know that teachers are deeply covering the standards in their content or grade level so that students have a deep and solid understanding of the material.
Administrators in Time To Teach Differentiated Instruction schools know that each student is a part of an appropriately challenging and rigorous learning environment that will benefit them now and in the future!
Administrators have the tools to support their teachers and focus on instructional leadership!

Full DI Training – 5 Components
The training is fast-paced and filled with scores and scores of useful and practical strategies. Especially known to be motivating, refreshing, humorous, and packed with practical strategies and ideas that your teachers can use tomorrow!
Component 1: Promoting Positive Feelings
Bring yourself into the classroom
Using Movement: Vote with your feet
Concentric Circles
Target in the middle
Asking for Feedback
Component 2: Promoting Attention/Interest
Component 3: Promoting Connectedness and Relevance
Synectic Journey
What’s the Story with?
Nominal group technique
Component 4: Promoting Self Efficacy
Dynamic Tension: Hot Seat
Component 5: Sharing Best Practices
Matrix Planning